Thursday 22 March 2012

MARGARET THATCHER -- Update 1 May, 2014

UPDATE: 1 May, 2014 --  When she demanded a state funeral and to calm the crowd the government called it a ceremonial funeral; she put her main asset of her estate in a trust which is in the British Virgin Island. In other words she avoided for her family to pay taxes. That is the last legacy she gave to the country after all.  She made a fortune out of it while she ruins ordinary people and avoided to pay taxes to the country. 

UPDATE:  8 APRIL 2013 --  Margaret Thatcher died today. She left behind a legacy of unemployment and hardship after being premier minister. People fought hard to keep their jobs but to no avail. It is not easily to forget. I know it is not right to speak ill of the death but the facts remain and can't written differently.The funeral on Wednesday 17 April, 2013 and she will get a ceremonial funeral which means her coffin will be brought to the Westminster Abbey and from there on a gun-carriage taken to St Paul's Cathedral. She will then taken to the Royal Chelsea Cemetery where her husband's grave is. It will cost over £8million and many people wonder if it really necessary at a time of austerity? Also many people object for Margaret Thatcher to receive a ceremonial funeral.         
Margaret Hilda Thatcher was born on 13 October 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire. Her father had two grocery stores and was a Methodist.

She read chemistry in Oxford and trained as a barrister.

In 1959 she became a Conservative MP in Finchley.

On her first election campaign she promised to revive the economy and won to be Prime Minister. She sold the public owned houses to the tenant and won with that her second election. But when the economy went bad because she privatise the nationalized companies and went bankrupt after a while. The people had to sell their homes and lost the deposits because they upkeep the mortgage.
She increased the interest rates which helped the people with money in the bank but not the business, especially the small ones. Then they started to close down.
She reduced spending on social services as education, higher education and housing. She stopped the School Milk.
She reduced the income tax (it wasn't that drastic) and increased the indirect tax.
Manufacturing output dropped by 30%
Margaret Thatcher broke up the nationalized British Shipbuilding which was always the backbone of Britain and the pride. At that time it employed 86,000 people mostly North - East. She privatised it and many went bankrupt because as individual shipyards they couldn’t' compete. BVT now employs 7,000.
At the privatisation Thatcher promised ordinary people shares and her popularity rose again but when the loss of jobs set in they had to sell the shares.

She allowed people to buy their own home which was government property. They bought it and Margaret Thatcher popularity rose but when the economy fell and they lost jobs by the hundreds and thousands they couldn't keep up their mortgage. They lost their home and deposit. She never built any houses to replace them and there started a shortage of council houses.

Mrs Thatcher de-regulated the private sector and especially the financial sector. From there on Banks and City could do as they like. We still suffer today because Bankers and City can get millions and billions of bonuses which broken banks and businesses.

The NUM called out a strike because they found out that they wanted to close 20 coal mining pits which would be a loss of 20,000 jobs in areas where poverty is widespread. Mrs Thatcher would not meet the Union's representatives. Controversial police tactics on the picket lines had at least three men killed and 11,300 miners arrested and got a criminal record. Yet all they were fighting for their jobs to feed their family.
It escalated so badly that it heading for a civil war.
After a year they had to give in and by 1992 they closed 97 coal pits and the rest was privatised or sold off. This destroyed whole villages, communities and businesses. These families must have been starving and on top of it all she stopped the school milk where the kids could have had at least some nourishment.
By the time Margaret Thatcher resigned there were over 5 million people out of work.
In 1982 Thatcher modernised the strategic nuclear forces and replaced Polaris with the Trident submarines for £10 billions
April 1986 Thatcher gave the USA permission to use the RAF base to launch an attack on Libya because of the alleged bombing of the Berlin Discotheque. UK was the only nation to sanction this move.
Thatcher tried to introduce the Poll Tax to raise revenue but after so many riots had to abandon it. But she quietly introduced the council tax which was the same with a different name.
After Margaret Thatcher had to resign, she became a peer and is now a Baroness Thatcher which is a lifetime peerage. She made sure that her husband became a baronetcy so that her son would inherit it after his father death.
She received the Order of Merit which is Britain highest order of distinction. In 1995 she received the Lady Companion of the Order of Garter, UK highest order of Chivalry.
After all she had done to the people, especially in the North, Midlands and Wales, who were nothing but hard working and badly done by in comparison to the South.
I will never know how these people survived.
The 'legacy' of Margaret Thatcher is still having an impact. She also allowed the pension fund to be used on the stock exchange with the result of BP having had it and now there are great losses in the shares. The ordinary man in the street loses its pension which he paid in all his working life. To use the pension fund in the stock exchange should have never happened.

SUMMARY: Although the Conservative Party still swears by her, of course, but as you can see Margaret Thatcher done a lot of damage to Britain. Damage which never can be undone. All the British big industries which were Britain's pride and envy of the world were demolished in one way or another.

The latest scandal is that Margaret Thatcher received £500,000 for expenses. First of all what expenses? Thatcher has dementia for years and therefore can not go to functions. So it was said.
Apparently, these claimed expenses by ex Prime Ministers were established by John Major who was known as a glove puppet of Thatcher. Most properly Thatcher was behind it. John Major, Tony Blair all claim the expenses.
In ordinary life when a worker was sacked they do not get any expenses or further payments. Margaret Thatcher was ousted (sacked); John Major and Tony Blair were the same. Again it is them and not us.
Furthermore, how must people feel whose whole community was destroyed by Margaret Thatcher when she closed mines, shipyards and steelworks?
This is again from the taxpayers pockets and yet nobody in power says enough is enough and stops it. In today's financial situation it should not be allowed and it is that where cutbacks should be made.

When she died let's hope the payment to Margaret Thatcher was stopped. It would be no surprise if it were "forgotten" to be cancelled. 

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