Friday, 18 January 2013


UPDATE:  16 February 2013 -- It is amazing the great demand of Thunderbird and therefore it has been decided to make a new series but with cartoons.  Gerry Anderson left such a legacy and so timeless.

Thunderbirds ware a wonderful TV serial for children and even grown up were fascinated. It was the creation of Gerry Anderson. He also was part of TV hits Captain Scarlet, Stingray and Joe 90. He gave children a wonderful time with modern, technical ideas but still something to dream about it and a lot to imagination.

Sadly Gerry Anderson died but they certainly honoured him for his legacy he left behind. At his cremation a full seized replica of Lady Penelope’s Rolls Royce was driven to his funeral. The FAB1 stopped outside the crematorium in Reading, Berks and the funeral was attended by 300 people. They heard tributes to Gerry about his wonderful creations.

The flowers were arranged in the shape of transport Thunderbird 2 and placed on top of his coffin. The marionettes from these TV series were also on display.

Gerry died at the age of 83 in December 2012 and his son Jamie added to the great tribute of his dad’s life that he left a phenomenal legacy behind.

Well, Gerry Anderson may you rest in peace but all your fans of these TV series will never forget these wonderful and spellbinding experience watching Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Stingray. The children certainly were clued to the TV.

e HHheH

It must have been such a satisfactory life to look back and realised to have given so much pleasure to young and old. Even the mothers stopped working and watch these fascination TV series. He certainly was given a great tribute at his funeral and he deserved it. 

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