Saturday, 28 March 2015


SUMMARY  Although nearly a decade ago but the impact of George Osborne 50 massive cuts are still there and devastating. Food banks increase astronomical, before the Covid, and cost 130,000 people's life while Osborne wonders off to an even more lucrative job = Banks 

Where is the money gone from all those cuts and sales? In spite of it all the debt increased by £500billion. The Tories did not have a "Credit Crush", no bank to bail out, introduced austerity bringing thousands down to starvations and yet they increased the debt by £500billion but the Tax Havens increased to £39trillion.              

In case you have forgotten most of the cuts or some not even been told. Here is a list of the first 25. It is shocking to read what this government was able to do to its people. The list serves to remember when you cast your vote because another five years of the Tory will destroy the country completely. UKIP is just a shadow of the Tories and will merge when the Tories need them to form another Government.

Mr Owen Bennett of the Daily Mirror put them together for us to remember.

Here are the first 25 cuts and the remaining 25 will follow straight away.

1) BedroomTax receiving housing benefits lost 14% if they had one ‘spare’ bedroom, and 25% for two or more ‘spare’ bedrooms. This will affect 660,000 families, 31 per cent of all working age families in the social rented sector, according to the TUC.

2) Legal Aid: Divorce, child contact, welfare benefits, employment, clinical negligence cases no longer get public funds. Victims of domestic violence must have proof before they can claim a legal aid.

3) Top rate of tax: In 2012 the Government announced the top rate of tax would be cut from 50p to 45p

4) SureStart centres: Figures published by 4Children in 2014 show cuts to local authorities led to a reduction of 612 Sure Start Centers in just four years

5) Education Maintenance Allowance: 16 to 18-year-olds in further educations courses in England lost their EMA grant, which worked out as £30 a week for those from the poorest households, in 2010

6) Soldiers: The number of regular Army Soldiers has been slashed from 102,000 in 2010 to 82,000 by 2017

7) RAF: The armed forces, including the air force, Army and Royal Navy, have 141 fewer helicopters and 139 fewer planes than in January 2010.

8) Child Trust Funds: Government contributions to a Child Trust Fund at age 7 abolished. Contributions at birth were abolished from January 2011.

9) Health in Pregnancy Grant: In January 2011 the Health in Pregnancy Grant was abolished. This grant addressed the elevated risk of birth defects in babies born to mothers who were malnourished during pregnancy.

10) Benefit changes: Benefits and tax credits are now linked to the Consumer Price Index, not the Retail Price Index. The RPI is usually higher than the CPI - 0.7 percentage points a year recently - but this may increase to 1 percentage point. The policy saved £1.2 billion in 2011/12, rising to £5.8 billion by 2014/15 according to the TUC
Remploy saw its government subsidy cut in 2012

11) Child Benefit: This was frozen for three years. The TUC has estimated that a family with 2 children will have suffered, by 2015-16, a cumulative loss of more than £1,000.

12) Sure Start Maternity Grant: Abolished for second and subsequent children. The TUC estimates this costs low income mothers £500 and is very likely to hit poorer families the hardest.

13) Working Tax Credit: Increase in the number of hours that a couple with children must work to qualify for Working Tax Credit from 16 to 24 hours with one partner working a minimum of 16 hours.

14) Child Tax Credit: This additional payment supplement for children aged one and two was planned by Labour to come in during April 2012, but was abandoned by the current government

15) Benefit Cap: The total amount of benefits awarded to working age families is capped at £500 per week for lone parents and couples, £350 per week for single adults. It hits families with three or more children especially hard and 74 per cent of individuals affected are children, say the TUC

16) GP surgeries: Withdrawal of the minimum practice income guarantee has lead to hundreds of GP services facing a “financial cliff edge”, according to BMA GPs committee chair Chaand Nagpaul

17) Remploy: In 2012 the Government withdraw subsidy from the welfare-to-work provider, which helps disabled people into jobs. 33 factories were closed that year, with the remaining 20 all now shut. At the same time they told disabled and terminal ill people to go and get a job and withdrew their benefits.

18) Youth Centres: According to Unison, councils have shut at least 350 youth centres since 2012. Additionally, 1,000 youth service places for young people have been cut, and at least 35,000 hours of outreach work by youth workers have been removed. Since 2010 £259 million has been cut from youth service spending by councils.

19) Local council funding: The government will have slashed funding to local government by £11.3bn by 2015/16. More than 500,000 council workers have lost their jobs since 2010.

20) Local parks: £59.4m has been cut from council budgets for parks and open spaces. Research by the Heritage Lottery Fund found that 86% of council parks departments in the UK have cut budgets, 81% have lost skilled staff since 2010 and 45% of councils are considering selling or outsourcing their parks.

Thousands of police officers and staff have gone since 2010

21) Leisure Centres: According to Unison, councils have cut over £71m from leisure centre budgets since 2010, a 14% cut overall.

22) Police: There have been 16,000 police officers and a 18,000 staff axed since 2010, ask well as a 22 per cent reduction in the number of police front desks in our communities since 2010, according to the HM Inspectorate of Constabulary.

23) Buses: Labour analysis found a 17 per cent cut in funding for bus services, with 30m fewer bus miles than in 2010.

24) Further education: The Government has cut the adult skills further education budget for 2015/16 by 24%.

25) Income Support: Abolished for lone parents with youngest child aged over five years old. Single Parent charity Gingerbread described this as “a blunt instrument” as there is not enough work to fit in with child care arrangements.

Daily Mirror 18 March 2015  Owen Bennett

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