The Guardian newspaper showed the true pictures of PM David Cameron's election campaign. The top half of the picture shown on TV was make belief you to be a successful campaign. The bottom half shows the real picture, When you look at the far right of this picture you can make out the group with all the boards, which is shown on the top. It attracted only a small crowd in a huge warehouse, hoping for a big response to his election campaign.
In the Daily Mirror it showed Cameron in Edinburgh how he relished his meal with Sam, his wife, looking on and smiling. In Cardiff it showed him tacking into a Steak, ale and Stilton pie with a half a pint of stout with Sam by his side. In Cornwall he had chips and pint of Cornish ale. Is that what Cameron's campaign is all about?
No big crowd gatecrashing to see and hear Cameron's speeches and, of course, promises. If there were, they would have shown it all over the newspapers. He has the audacity to charge it to the taxpayers because he visits a factory, school or art centre and it is then classed as a government trip keeping the donors' millions of pounds for the campaign in the Tory's pocket
So far we had not seen one picture of a huge crowd listening to a speech of David Cameron. Has the public lost their interest in listening to the man what he has to say? Or did they give up on him after all the promises in the last election and when in power he broken them all? Or has the public turned their back on the Tories after they stamped on them and walked all over them?
Is it the same picture with Labour Ed Miliband? Has the media also tried to con the public of huge crowds gathering and they were not really there?
It would be far better to show the real picture and it would bring back the confidence and belief in the media as well as the politicians. Why showing all these make-believes of big crowds? Somewhere the truth will come out and the public will be more disappointed.
It is incredible that he offers the same promises as in 2010 after all he has done the reverse during the five years he was in office. After almost dismantling the NHS, bringing people down to starvation, having food banks, introducing Spare Bedroom Tax and thousand of families lost their homes, cutting benefits to the bone at the same time, especially cutting disability benefits, and many more.
Chancellor George Osborne promised further cuts of £27billion if they win. People are already starving where does he want to get it from? It is hard to understand how this man expect to win voters over, apart from the very privileged. Mr Cameron created the biggest list of multi-millionaires and multi-billionaies in the last three years.
Mr Cameron has 95 top adviser costing the taxpayers, of course, £4million a year, and then he comes along with repeated promises which he did not keep in the first place and expects the public to buy them for the second time.
It was also revealed that Mr Cameron and his government almost doubled the Foreign Aid while all the others cut down by 10 or 20 per cent Half of the British Foreign Aid is not accounted for. It is an open secret that the Foreign Aid was well meant to be for the poor to lift their living standard but after decades the poor are still without running water and sanitation. Therefore, the money went into pockets of the top governments of the countries.
It is very doubtful, in many people's mind, how the Tories won again after bringing the people down to starvation and promising further drastic cuts. It was also obvious that Cameron did not make a great effort to win the General Election in May, 2015.
Was the election really won on votes?
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