Monday 14 October 2019


SUMMARY  Rothschild is a Banking Family existing for 200 years. They have great influences in both the economic and political affairs, most of the World during 19th, 20th and 21th centuries.

The Rothschild banking house started in the 18th century by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812). He was a Frankfurt moneylender.

He and his 5 sons set up prosperous banking houses in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples. They mainly negotiated loans to European governments during the 19th century and with that they gained a lot of power and influences.

Mayer’s son Nathan (1777-1836) established the London Branch in 1804; his son Lionel (1808-79) was the first Jew in British House of Commons in 1858.

Lionel lent the British Government £4 million in 1875 which was a very considerable sum in those days. It enabled Britain to buy Suez-Canal shares.

His son Nathan (1840-1915) was the first Jewish British Peer and an unofficial head of French and British Jews.

His son Lionel Walther (1868-1937), the second baron, a scientist, scholar and chairman of the British Zionist Federation. British PM Balfour, at that time,  declared in a speech in 1917, he was concerned about a national home for Jews and it would be in Palestine.

ZIONISM is a political movement and not a religion. It advocates the return of Jews to Palestine. The founder of Zionism was Theodor Herzl, who published his JEWISH STATE, outlining a scheme for a Jewish State under Ottoman rule. In 1897, he established the World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland.

The British Government started to support a homeland for the Jews in 1917 due to Balfour Declaration.

In 1920 Britain was told by the League of Nations to govern Palestine which lasted till 1948. During this time, the World Zionist Organisation, chaired by Chaim Weizmann, started developments for Jewish communities in Palestine. It created conflicts between Palestinian Arabs and the British.

A major international support to establish a Jewish Homeland, Israel, started in 1948 after the Nazis’ Holocaust. 
It was an incredible, still unbelievable and unforgiveable genocide of Jews. 

It should have never been allowed to happen but as then and now the Nazis were financially supported like Israel today and both were not stopped. It is shocking and surprising that Israel, which had the worst experiences in history, is doing the same to Palestinians only with different methods. It’s another genocide.

But coming back to the Rothschild family; Lionel Walther’s daughter, Miriam (1908-2005) became a highly regarded entomologist. 

Lionel’s nephew, Nathaniel (1910-1990) was also a scientist. He headed the British Government’s central policy review staff from 1971 to 1974. 

In 1990, the 50 descendants of Mayer Rothschild carry on with the family’s traditional Banking and supported charities and arts.

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