Tuesday 17 April 2012

JOHNNY RAMENSKY - Greatest Safe Breaker


Johnny Ramensky was a safe breaker and it was said that he was most properly the greatest safe breaker of all time. Although he was great in breaking safes but he wasn't very good in not be caught. He spent 40 years in prison of his 67 years.

He was born Jonas Ramanaukas at Glenboig, Scotland and his parents were immigrant from Lithuania. He was a miner first, like his father, and there he got the knowledge of dynamite. They also nicknamed him 'Gentleman Johnny' because he never used violent when arrested.
In the Second World War the secret service released him from prison to use him and his skills against the enemies. He broke into Rommel's safe in North Africa. In Rome he broke into 14 safes of embassies. He also broke into the safe of Luftwaffe commander Herman Goering.
Altogether he managed to get hold of secret documents which were so vital to win the war. He was awarded the Military Medal. It is not known whether he took it or not.
After the war he couldn't sit back and enjoy his life and success. He was caught breaking into a jewellery and a post office. He managed to escape from prison about five times but was always captured again.
He died in prison in Perth, Scotland in 1974. Nobody, but a few, remembers his great service to this country.
A film is to be made next year about his life of 'Gentle Johnny'. Scotland's most famous safe-cracker and goal breaker.

1 comment:

  1. I lost count of the number of errors in the above. You really need to research your subject better.
