Sunday 15 April 2012

PETER O'TOOLE - Actor Extraordinary -- Updated 26 Dec.,2013

UPDATE:  26 December 2013 -  The world lost another great name -- Peter O'Toole who died on 14 December, 2013. He was treated in Wellington Hospital, London suffering a long illness.  
His daughter Kate said they would scater his ashed in Connemara, Ireland where he was born. Although his birth was registered in Leeds, England. We are bringing him home. It's what he wanted. They scattered his ashed near O'Toole hilltop home which overlook Eyrephort peninsular.

May he rest in peace.

It is not a secret that Peter O'Toole was a great actor. He was greatly admired and adored by his fans. It was not known outside Hollywood, in those days, that he was a hell raiser and alcoholic. When he was chosen to be Lawrence of Arabia for the incredible look-a-like it got the film industry worried sick. The film was made in Jordan and with Omar Sharif.
He was warned about the strict rules in Arabic countries on drinking alcohol. Peter O'Toole arrived there and brought his hangover with him.
Another co-star Alec Guiness admired Peter for his talent and charm but found his drinking got in the way of their friendship. Later on Alec remembered at a dinner party O'Toole got blind drunk and quarrelsome. Alec stated later: "Peter could have been killed or shot and I'm beginning to think it's a pity he wasn't."
When Peter met his opposite actor in the film he said: "Omar Sharif! No one in the world is called Omar Sharif. Your name must be Fred.". Omar Sharif was at that time an unknown actor. After that Omar was known as Cairo Fred. He was an Egyptian.
During the filming they were working for three weeks and had four days off. Beirut was in those a sin city and both were allowed to enjoy it. Omar admitted later on that they behaved appallingly. He even stated: "Looking back the mind boggled." They just drank and did not sleep to avoid missing out on it. They both took Dexedrine to stay awake.
Another vice they had was gambling. Peter O'Toole recalled that they gamble a nine months' wages in one night.
O'Toole was part of a formidable acting generation producing the greatest films we ever saw. Lawrence of Arabia won seven Oscars. Another episode was when O'Toole was learning how to ride a camel. After the first lesson blood was running out of his jeans and he remarked: "This is a very delicate Irish a***," He then thought of having cut a foam rubber to shape and placing it on the saddle. It is incredible but true that many Bedouins took it up. Peter said later: "one of the most important contributions ever made to Arab culture."
The injuries he had during filming were temporarily blinded by an effects gun loaded with pellets, being thrown in front of several hundred charging Bedouins on horseback, third-degree burns, sprained ankles, torn ligaments, a dislocated spine, broken thumb, sprained neck and concussion. According to this list, filming was not that glamorous as assumed by the public.
Peter O'Toole lost two stones. The heat and sandstorms. Living in tents for months and hundred of miles from civilisation. Even some of the crew couldn't take it and left. .An army officer who was hired to give military advice walked out, one night, and started shooting with live ammunition. He was sent back for medical treatment.
It was recorded that O'Toole was close to a breakdown a number of times. He kept begging his wife Sian Phillips to join him and wrote that he had to be mad to stay sane.
The film director David Lee recalled that at the famous scene where Lawrence rides back to rescue a man stranded in the desert. He noticed O'Toole and the famous Indian actor I.S.Johar riding together on one animal had problems to stay upright. When they got closer a big block of hashish was found. The actors were stoned out of their skulls. No more shooting that day.
When the shooting of the film Lawrence of Arabia was finally over Peter O'Toole said: "I woke up one morning to find I was famous. I bought myself a white Rolls-Royce and drove down Sunset Boulevard wearing dark specs and a white suit, waving like the Queen Mum. Nobody took any f****** notice but I enjoyed it."
From LA he went to New York. Of course, he hit the bars and didn't leave until they were dry.
Omar Sharif and Peter O'Toole remained life long friends. They chased women non-stop, drank until they couldn't stand anymore and added to the mayhem in Hollywood.

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