Monday, 16 February 2015


On a whole Mr Assad showed more principle than he had been given credit. Of course, we are mostly given the spin of the USA and the West. It does not mean other spins are the truth.  The worst thing in any conflicts is propaganda and it causes the most harm.

Listen to the programme, it made the situation more clear. The reason for the USA and the West wanting for Mr Assad to step down was because he refuses to join the international coalition that seeks and destroy IS.

He said: “No, definitely we cannot and we do not have the will and we do not want, for one simple reason because we cannot be in an alliance with countries which support terrorists.”

He added further that he was not against co-operating over IS with other countries but he will refuse to talk with American officials because they do not talk to anyone, unless he’s a puppet. In my view his remark contains a lot of truth. The USA and its allies supported the "freedom fighters" or "Rebels" which were infiltrated by al-Qaeda and an offspring the IS which started kidnapping western since the end of 2012. They top leaders all knew about it.

When asked why he refuses to talk to the Allies?  Mr Assad replied: “And they easily trample over intern law which is about our sovereignty now, so they do not talk to us, we do not talk to them,”  Another true point which shows in the new so called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) which includes a clause of irreversible nationalisation of railways and energy suppliers etc. It also includes a clause of corporation being able to sue governments behind closed doors if something is against their will of the corporations. Several countries had been heavily find already, Canada, Sweden, Germany for stopping nuclear fuels, Bolivia was find $50million for renationalising their waters. If that is not dictatorship and taking away the sovereignty, what is? It is the worse thing suggested by the USA to sign the TTIP. The very word partnership is a joke and hypocrisy. All the time they pointing at Russia, China and North Korea. Where is the difference to the TTIP?

No wonder they want him out because he stands up to them and tells the truth about the USA and its allies. PM David Cameron must be out of his mind to even think to sign such an agreement. Of course, he would not put it to a vote to the MPs because he knows it would be defeated like the military intervention in Syria.

Another point Mr Assad referred to and it also made sense, was Mr Assad refuses to accept the US’s offer to train and equip a “moderate” rebel force to fight the IS on the ground in Syria.  Even to average people it sounds the joke of the century. Have they not learned their lesson yet?


Mr Assad pointed out there is no moderate, only extremists from IS and al-Quad in Syria, at-Nusra Front.  Do the USA and West really believe anyone would buy that? Have they not caused enough damage by supplying the so-called Freedom fighter when in reality they were al-Qaeda and eventually IS. The Allies were aware that people being kidnapped right back in 2012. Despite of all the US supplied the “Freedom Fighters” with missiles and the British Government (David Cameron can not blame Labour this time) supplied chemicals which could be made into chemical weapon.

The Syrian army was then blamed to have dropped the chemical weapon but when UN international inspectors examined it: the report was never handed over to the public. There is only one conclusion that if they found it was Mr Assad’s army it would have been broadcasted all over the world.

Mr Assad admitted that he had a stockpile of chemical weapon but denied that his army used it. Only recently there were rumours flying about that the CIA were involved. How true or false we will never know.
A new accusation is that Mr Assad uses barrel bombs which he denies.  Mr Assad reply to the accusation is: “I know about the army. They use bullets, missiles and bombs. I haven’t heard of the army using barrel bombs.” Is it a new attempt to make Mr Assad step down?

Barrel bombs are cylindrical and filled with explosives and shrabnels.

Whatever opinion we have about the Russians but one thing we have to acknowledge that they prevented a war or an all out war in 2013. USA John Kerry was beating the drums and UK PM David Cameron was all for it to use military force.  The Russians negotiated in the last minute and got Mr Assad to hand over his chemical weapons. It put the fuse out which might have burned right across the world again.  For that we should be grateful to the Russians.

The UK Ministers voted against any military intervention in Syria while trigger happy Dave Cameron would have happily sent the country into conflict while he would have  been sitting at his seat in the country.

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