Tuesday, 3 February 2015



(It is not an advice -
it is an insult)
Ofgem is another waste of money because they supposed to be a watchdog and watch over the big energy suppliers.  According to some previous reports they have the power to fine the energy suppliers up to 10 per cent. Although it would not cripple them with the present huge profits but still it would be some reminders 

However, Ofgem does not use its power.  So what is Ofgem there for?  David Cameron famous comment comes to mind “We are all in this together.”  He never said a truer word but it refers to him and his buddies.

For Ofgem which supposed to be a watchdog of energy suppliers to announce that people should take packed lunch, going jogging instead of gym and a second-hand handset is not only an insult to the intelligence of people but Ofgem showing themselves up as useless.  From a start all the last years whatever have they done to stop the energy companies putting up their prices by 37 per cent?

Last winter, which was a mild winter, a record of 20,000 people died of hypothermia. Would Ofgem like to know that in many families the parents forgo breakfast to feed the children or children go with without breakfast to school? Therefore their great brainwave of taking packed lunch or going jogging instead to the gym is way behind the time.  By now families have to choose between buying food or heating their home properly.  Besides over 1,000 food banks do not spring up for no reason at all. They must be living abroad like the rest of David Cameron’s friends since they lost touch.

As for SSE they also did not pass on the saving from crude oil price reduction but my tariffs have even increased.  So what would Ofgem do now about it? Tell me to light a fire with wood in the middle of my sitting room?

When the first massive increase of 10 per cent of their tariffs was made before the winter 2012/13 people wrote to the Prime Minister David Cameron and begged him to do something about it. According to him he wrote a letter to the big six energy suppliers.  They got so scared they did nothing and increased the tariffs in the following winter for another 10 per cent.  The entire increases amount to 37 per cent since this Tory-led government came into power.

The result, according to the Daily Mirror which tells more the truth than any other of the big papers, their profits will be up by 1,000 per cent per household this year than five years ago.

That is an achievement of which David Cameron can be proud of. He should mention it when he is campaigning around the country for his Tory party surely people would be impressed.  Another point people would like to hear about and be impressed is that his party scoop in £40million from all his created billionaires who are mostly tax avoiders and the great man does nothing about it, of course.  They all support the Tory Party to win again. 

Now, David Cameron and friends found a loophole how not to pay for their campaign in spite of their £40million received.  The loophole is that if they visit a factory, at each place of their campaign, it would count as a government trip and the taxpayers foot the bill. In spite of their cheating the public again they stand there cold-bloodedly trying to convince them to vote for the Tories.

If there was never a more desperate time to vote Labour it is now. Not even UKIP because they are just standing by in the shadow and joining up with the Tories if they do not have the majority.  The same as the Greens.

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