Sunday 29 October 2017

NORTH KOREA VS USA Update 7 Dec., 2017

Update 7 Dec., 2017 -- Fox News announced that a nuclear war is inevitable. The question is when and not if. The constant display of armouries and war exercises of US and Allies in South Korea is to blame for sharpening tension between the two nation and the world. 

The words of Trump during his election campaign were: "I bring peace; that's what I do", soon forgotten the moment he was president and caused friction ever since.

There was and is no need for the US, dragging UK and other countries in, to show again their Almightiness and bring a nuclear war to its head. So far, NK has not threatened UK so why follow US into the most dangerous war?  Besides NK has warned USA because they do not want to end up like all the other countries; USA invaded and totally destroyed them. 

Labour leader Harold Wilson was the only one who said "NO" to USA with the Vietnam war and saved thousands of lives.

While the constant exchange of insults from Washington and Pyongyang rages; the world keeps edging towards a war which could be most dangerous – a nuclear war.

A report brings us more facts about North Korea.

Analysis ranging from nuclear detonations to 8,000 artilleries facing 25 million people in South Korea capital Seoul. It is half of South Korea population.

Before the US and their Allies thinking of attacking NK and feel already as victors; they got seriously to look at all the cost of lives and finances.

NK is a complete different situation to all the previous wars and invasions.

The most important point has to be considered, the aftermath.

East Germany was one of the most peaceful unification between East and West Germany, but it still costs $1,9trillion.

NK and SK unification, if peaceful, would be an estimated $800billion to $2trillion. The most important question is who is going to pay for it?

USA, reported only two days ago, is on the brink of bankruptcy. Even if the finances would be there it would blow a big hole as well as causes great manufacturing problems in other countries.

SK produces parts for Samsung flat-screen, Hyundai hatch backs and others. A conflict would stop many manufacturers which would have an impact worldwide.

SK has already reckoned with the cost of reconstruction of NK but not for their own country which will also be greatly damaged during the conflict. Even if China and Japan might help most of the costs will fall onto the USA.

It is thought that NK's missile is capable of destroying an area of the Mississippi.

Now let’s us look at the cost of human lives and another surge of refugees. Comparing with the Syrian crises it is estimated of around five million if not more. These will be heading to the nearest country China and Russia at first.

Both countries have already strengthened their borders.

SK will have to resettle their own people and could stop NK refugees crossing the DMZ.

Even today the world is still not coping with the refugees from Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and South Sudan. A situation created by the USA and its Allies. While the USA is far from it all and now has almost closed their borders Europe and the Middle East take the brand.

There is no doubt that the USA encouraged Brussels to introduce “Schenken” law which means opens borders of all the 28 EU countries and they have been flooded ever since.

Max Brooks writes that not all refugees will be friendly.

Accordingly, NK receives a lot of cash from an unbelievable web sponsored by the state and their criminal activities are kept under control by Pyongyang.

The question is now what will happen at a defeat of NK? They are small group of mafias created and trained by one of the world’s hardest regimes.

Of course, they will spread to find new markets to operate.

As previously al Qaeda derived from anti-Soviet guerrillas and ISIS from Saddam Hussain’s Republican Guards. (Well done Bush and Blair)

These gangs coming out of NK would be highly trained, highly disciplined professional warriors forced to find a new way of live.

They would be full of revenge and able to get hold of weapons of the widest range such as chemical, biological and even nuclear.

This will be the situation of a chaotic aftermath which is almost worse than the war itself.

A lesson should be learned from the Iraq invasion. It cost more than a $1trillion, over one million people were killed, military and civilians, and the troubles still continuous today.

To finalise it, so far nobody has an answer how to stop Kim-Jong-un but bull-dozing into it again is not the answer.

This war will be worse than any others before, especially if he uses nuclear weapons and pushed into a tight corner, he will. 

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