Thursday, 14 December 2017


Update 30 Dec., 2017 -- Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is now in negotiation with Turkey to create a Muslim Alliance, plus other Middle East countries to back Palestine. Trump couldn't have  poked into a bigger hornets' nest.

Its high time to be acknowledge for America and stop using the Middle East as their army playground.

May certainly has got herself into the biggest trap there is. She couldn't have chosen two bigger opponents if she tried to.

She’ll have to decide between her biggest allies the USA and Saudi Arabia because Trump declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel; Saudi Arabia declared occupied East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

It is the worse scenario any leader could have found themselves in.

Whichever side she chooses she will not only lose a major arms’ dealer but also a confrontation with the other side which in today’s highly tensed political atmosphere can be very dangerous and disastrous.

Trump done the worst political decision he could have taken. How on earth could he have declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and at the same time announced to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?

The action of Israel towards the Palestinian people is appalling and the world is waking up to the fact. Instead of caution Israel to stop their action Trump adds oil to the fire. He could not have done any worse to ignite the tension and make Israel feel more in their rights, which they have not.

Of course, Trump would not dare to challenge Israel and no other leader would. Israel has too much power with their widespread high-powered connections to be confronted and that is why they get away literally with murder.

However, for Trump to declare Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was his worst decision but most probably would not cost him his job because of the high present of powerful Jewish people in American.

But coming back to the problem PM May will face when she’ll have to decide and decide she will have to. So far, we have not heard a word about that predicament or any decision.

It is such a highly sensitive subject that her decision might set the fuse wire alight.

With Trump constantly challenging Kim-Jong-un making the situation worse with Kim-Jong-un declaring if US blockades NK it will be an act of war. He only waits for any excuse to start a nuclear war.
Now he sets the cat amongst the pigeons with declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving his embassy there. What is the man thinking of?

Trump is another one who mislead the public by promising he’ll bring peace in his election campaign.

It seems these election candidates, today, keep promising anything to catch the voters and when voted in, do right the opposite and are all out for their pot of gold. That has to stop.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is the only one who honestly means well with the people. He is so honest, down-to-earth and has only the interest of the people at heart that it is hard to be belief he would change if elected as PM.

The way May and her zombies keep running the people and country into the ground it is unbelievable they are not forced out before it is too late. Even if May sticks to her seat with the biggest pot of clue and any trick in the world; it is a fact that she and the Tories are ruining the UK and the must be a way to get them out.

 It just isn’t fair that those few have the power to ruin the life and killing the people who voted them in. The die-hard Tory voters should be ashamed of themselves to see terrible harm their party causes. They must face it because they are responsible for 120,000 death since 2010 and it is the data of the Office of National Statistics!!!!

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