Sunday, 17 December 2017


Whenever May is in Brussels she announces, with a great smile, that she achieved another victory for Brexit. Unfortunately, so far, it turns out to be false.

At first, she makes us believe she makes the EU change its mind over the demand of £60bn divorce bill and several other points. When May refused and the EU stopped negotiation.

When she returned May announced she would pay £39bn, officially, but with so many lies it is not knowing what she really promised to pay. However, the EU started to open its doors again for further talks.

After further talks, May, again gleefully announced that she achieved to start trade negotiation and Brexit is well on its way. She also received an applause after her speech at a dinner in Brussels. It does make you more suspicious of what really went on.

It didn’t take a day that the truth came through. EU slammed on its brakes and showed its full power.

1 - They blocked further trade talks till March 2018

2 - They ban any trade deals with the rest of the world till 2021

Concluding, UK will be in the EU till 2021 and no promise of it being the final. It came after May was willing to pay £39bn, officially. Does it also mean that UK will have to pay their membership of £19bn each year plus all sorts of other fees, like paying for other countries which have not got their fees? In view of the two years extra, the EU would have their £60bn as demanded; a very clever move. The EU certainly knows how to make sure the money keeps rolling in.

It is known that the EU is the most corrupt organisation. Many years ago, the scandal broke that over £95tn are unaccounted for and the auditors refused to sign their account, tells everything. The EU supposed to be going bankrupt, despite of billions rolling in.

It is very doubtful that MPs, especial a group of Tory’s rebels will accept these new outcomes. There will be a vote on Wednesday, 17 Dec., 2017 in the House of Commons. Therefore, May could face another defeat.

The other problem May has, is to face the US and Saudi Arabia confrontation.

US president Donald Trump announced to make Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and planning to move his embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It was the most unwise decision any leader could have made in view of the constant Israeli domineering and tormenting Palestinian people pushing them to extinction and possessing the whole land.

There was an immediate uproar and protest from Palestine and its people and hundred died already being shot dead by Israeli soldiers. Well done, clever Trump. Anyone could have foreseen that.

The tension also was increased by Saudi Arabia. They disagreed with the decision and announced to support Palestine. In other words, confronting Trump and the US, if necessary. It will also have an impact on the mighty Israelis.

Even the UN announced a resolution against Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel. It will be interesting to see the reaction of Israel now.

But the most interesting point will be how May will deal with the situation. US and Saudi Arabia are her biggest Allies and weapon buyer.

Whichever side she moves to the other party will be lost and most probably turn hostile towards the UK.

Or will she play ostrich and trying to put her head into the sand, hopefully it will blow over again but with such an important confrontation it is hard to belief it will have an impact in future no matter how much she is trying to be diplomatic and keep out of it.
It also raises the question, will she and the Tories be able to cope with two such major issues or will they have to resign, which all people hope and Labour comes into power?

Well, as the saying goes “Time will tell”.

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