Thursday, 11 January 2018


Greenpeace started to point the finger to these huge inlands of plastic waste in the oceans which results of marine live ending up dying being wrap-up in it. Till such time nobody was aware of it.

Now the press picked it up and it turned into a huge scandal of sea pollution.

Surely, before that some powerful people must have been aware what was going on and could have stopped it because they tried to get rid of it by putting microbeats into milk, shampoos and other products till the scandal broke.

The fault lies with the so-called recycling organisations which apparently do not do their job.

In my opinion and suspicion, it is not the man in the street throwing away a bottle or plastic bag. These huge plastic island do not come from that. It must be the so-called recycling organisations which dump whole shiploads into the oceans. Only that could cause these absolute enormous plastic islands.

Of course, the Tory Government finds straightaway a great opportunity and put a charge on plastic bags of 5p which adds nothing but an additional income to the supermarkets.

Now, they are talking of putting a plastic tax on plastic bottle which does not solve the problem but is a welcome extra tax income.

China adds to the problem now in refusing buying discarded plastic products.

In my opinion, the solution would be in really recycling the plastic into micro beats and using it as raw material. Why can’t that be done? Is it costs? To produce all these plastic bottles they must use a raw material. So why not recycle the plastic waste back into raw material?

Of course. I must admit I have no knowledge how it all works but in my view, that would be the answer.

For years, we have been aware now of the landfill with plastic which does not break down. The answer came to sort household waste from plastic and paper out. Every household is faithfully doing it, with extra bins provided.

Now Greenpeace opened our eyes of these terrible huge plastic islands which only could be created by ships dumping there the recycling waste half way of their journey.

If so, it would be there where the Government should be looking in to it or do they already know the culprits which bound to be one of the fatcats. It seems, these days, always the same cause of any scandals which then gets covered up or hopefully forgotten when other sandals come up or our attention is redirected by some other news.

Scandals seem to be multiplying rapidly and hardly or never get resolved. At the PMQ the PM or her ministers give nothing but “Thank you for raising the question and we will look in to it” or similar empty phrases. It never gets resolved.

This time, with Greenpeace involved, there will be a result because Greenpeace never gives up till the problem is solved. GOOD LUCK!



1 comment:

  1. It looks like Trump reversed his decision and the ban is still in place.
