Now, after exactly one year, we see the truth. No £8billion payment into the NHS, highest deficit for 67 years, £112million more in debts, £12billion Welfare cuts, not stopping migration and selling out the Steel Industry. Passing bills through without debate and voting.
He was great during the election campaign. Only Murdoch, in his newspapers, and Cameron's smears and lies defeated a win by the Labour Party. Improved economy, lower unemployment, £8billion every year into the NHS and reducing debts and deficit.
He was great during the election campaign. Only Murdoch, in his newspapers, and Cameron's smears and lies defeated a win by the Labour Party. Improved economy, lower unemployment, £8billion every year into the NHS and reducing debts and deficit.
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It is surprising that David Miliband, his brother, came back
and stated in his interview at the BBC, Ed Miliband had not offered what the voters
As John Prescott said in a later interview: "Shut up, David, and go back to the States and get on with your charity. I wish Ed did not resign." Coming from John Prescott is means an awful lot. David Miliband did not have to come over, after Labour lost to state that which was wrong, false and nothing but hurtful. Another 'Labour' working for the Tory?
Ed Miliband wanted to return everything what was wrong. Such as cancel the devastating Bedroom Tax, introduce the Mansion Tax instead; save the NHS which was at the heart of the voters, stop TTP, cancel the Zero-Hour-Contracts, building affordable houses, raise the Minimum Wage and put the benefit back on its feet again.
Everybody was eager to vote for Labour but then Murdoch came back and put out smears and lies by the dozens. Telegraph emailed all its customer to vote Tories, most probably The Sun and Daily Mail too. It proved that people are still gullible.
As John Prescott said in a later interview: "Shut up, David, and go back to the States and get on with your charity. I wish Ed did not resign." Coming from John Prescott is means an awful lot. David Miliband did not have to come over, after Labour lost to state that which was wrong, false and nothing but hurtful. Another 'Labour' working for the Tory?
Ed Miliband wanted to return everything what was wrong. Such as cancel the devastating Bedroom Tax, introduce the Mansion Tax instead; save the NHS which was at the heart of the voters, stop TTP, cancel the Zero-Hour-Contracts, building affordable houses, raise the Minimum Wage and put the benefit back on its feet again.
Everybody was eager to vote for Labour but then Murdoch came back and put out smears and lies by the dozens. Telegraph emailed all its customer to vote Tories, most probably The Sun and Daily Mail too. It proved that people are still gullible.
How can David Miliband put out a statement like that?
He is living in the USA and in the lap of luxury. He is not
at the level where families can not have three meals a day, having to reply on food banks which
are multiplying like mushrooms, people are killing themselves because they can
not manage any more, living on a Zero-Hour-Contract which means if there is
work they get a call and many more. Does
David Miliband really know the situation the Tories got this country into?
Even the management of the Telegraph was shocked when they
done their annual rich list and found out that over 1,000 doubled and trebled
their income and wealth with sky-high salaries and millions of pounds bonuses additional.
Tories blaming the economy still on
Labour but in the last five years they had two recessions without any Global
credit crisis which was manufactured by the top financiers.
The chart shows clearly who had
a bad economy. The Tories know
it but still telling lies to the public.
The chart shows clearly who had
a bad economy. The Tories know
it but still telling lies to the public.
In the first three
months of 2015 they ended their "successful economy" dropped from 0.6 per cent to
0.3 per cent GDP. While Gordon Brown brought the country back, after the Global
Crash, from minus 2.5 per cent to plus 0.5 per cent within a year and despite
bailing all the big banks out whose chief executives are nothing but Tories. It
would have been interesting to see Cameron and Osborne in that situation. Cameron predicted there is another Global crisis on the horizon maybe they get it this time and they can show how much better they are.
Finally, David Miliband should have never given this
interview with those points of views. It is strange that he came so soon after the defeat of the Labour Party and criticised his brother. Was he also behind the smear that Ed Miliband stabbed his brother in the back? It was a proper vote and David lost. Apparently he does not know what really went
on in those five years of Tory-led Coalition. During Cameron‘s five years
reign the economy never went up to 1 per cent GDP which was when Gordon Brown was out-voted and the statistic of the ONS shows the truth.
Chancellor George Osborne managed to get Britain down in the credit rating yet
they forever pointed the finger at Labour’s economy and Murdoch spread the lies
and smears through his newspapers. Even with Tory’s austerity con the debt
increased by £500billion and the Tax havens spiralled to £39trillon or even
more by now.
Voters who feel bitter about the Tory’s win should stop
buying The Sun, Daily Mail and Sunday Mail after what Murdoch has done to the people;
as the saying goes hurt them where it hurts most – in their pocket.
One bright hope is that Cameron only won with 12 seats the
majority. This will hamper him when he tries to get through his evil plans.
Already there are plans to extent the devastating Bedroom Tax. To achieve his
legislations getting through the House of Commons he still needs a minority
party to back him up. Ex-PM John Major won his majority with a 25 seats and he
struggled and eventually had to resign because the support dwindled fast. At the time when Margaret Thatcher was still
hovering in the back ground beating the drums.
Therefore, not all is lost. Labour has to get now the right
man and Cameron’s reign might not be so long as he expected.
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