Monday, 18 May 2015


Update 15 Jan., 2017 --
Theresa May new Prime Minister is again planning to make anti-strike law. It followed her grant sounding speech after the New Year including  promise of creating a more equality nation. Well it proved her words are just words as with Cameron. Furthermore, despite NHS is in worst crisis further cuts had been planned.

Britain has already the most restricted anti-strike law in the Western world.

Newly elected Tory Business Secretary Sajid Javid promised to unveiled plans to make it even harder for trade unionists to take strike actions. The new law will allow employers to take agency staff during a strike to replace workers taking strike actions. This is a great folly and will be costing twice as much. Will the government pay for it but it will be no surprise they charge it to the taxpayers as they did with their election campaign?

At the moment the anti-strike legislation demands to have a 40 per cent support from the workers. Javid wants to have it increased to 50 per cent.

Sarah Sachs-Eldridge of the Socialists Party said: “David Cameron incoming Conservatism Government was elected by just 24 per cent of the electorates would not even be in Downing Street if the same law would have applied to them.  The calculation of the Tory government is that they can effectively outlaw strikes in the public sector.  However, they may well be over-reaching themselves in their euphoria of their narrow victory.  The root causes of industrial actions, low bullying at work, long hours, zero-hours-contract, etc cannot be wished away by an act of Parliament. The consequences of the proposal will be widespread anger. The Socialist Party will be campaigning energetically for action, to defend the right to strike.”



The Labour Party and Unions will be joining.

After five years of the previous government Tory and LibDem the living standard dropped dramatically because of the decreasing payments.

At the same time the 650 MPs had a pay rise of 11 per cent and will receive this year another £7,000.
Rich people doubled and trebled their fortune in the last three years, according to the Telegraph.

The move to increase anti-strike legislation is no surprise to any one and at least to the Union. It must the first action the newly formed Cabinet made.

RMT General Secretary Mike Cash said: “It was on the cards that this government, a wholly owned subsidiary of idle rich and bad bosses, will move to tighten the noose of the anti-union laws around the workers’ necks at the earliest opportunity.

“This proposed new form of law will mean one form of democracy for the greedy political class and another for the organised working class.

“The Trade Unions will unite to fight these attacks.”

Daily Mirror

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