Thursday, 27 August 2015



Who is Mr Cameron blaming now for the highest deficit for 67 years and an increased debts of over £116billion in 2014/15?

Nothing said about that!!!!

Although the “Credit Crunch” was global and started in American David Cameron still blamed Labour for years. It was ridiculous and especially as a top politician should have known better than to put a statement out like that.

On the 16 October 2013 Cameron stated in the House of Commons: “The last Labour Government crashed the economy; they busted the banks; they doubled the national debt; and they bankrupted this country.”

No newspaper disputed his words and David Cameron got away with the lies.

The fact is that the Tory-led Coalition added £500billion to the national debts within five years despite the austerity. No Labour Government ever added more debts in all their years in power as the Tories. There is no official record of busted banks or the country being bankrupt.

Eventually it emerged that it was the top financiers who purposely caused the “Credit Crash” and with that the accusation vanished. No withdrawal or apologise for a false statement

Now we have a Global crash and it started in China affected the rest of the world. Not one word from David Cameron because he is on holiday while the whole FTSE 100 keeps tumbling down.  The Chinese reduced the Interest rate and it rectified the rest of the financial market but the FTSE 100 yesterday.

In 2013 David Cameron prophesised there would be a Global Crash in 2015.  Since Cameron was so clever to forecast the Global Crash would it be wrong to surmise the top financiers had their finger in it again? He advised the voters in the following General Election in 2015 to vote Conservatives to lessen the affect.  They won the election and few days after the downturn of the FTSE 100 started.  At the beginning it was the fault of Greece financial trouble and now China had a terrible crash. Could it be that China became too powerful?  But China has the biggest gold reserve while the US has hardly any.

In 2008 at the time of the “Credit Crash” the GDP went down to minus 2.3 per cent. Gordon Brown the leader of the Labour Government brought it back in 2009 to O.3 percent within a few months. In 2010 when Labour lost the election because political lies and smears; they handed it over with 1 per cent GDP. This gain vanished within three months. In the five years the Tories-led Coalition in power they had two recessions, nearly miss the third one, and were down graded from seven to six positions in the interest rating.

So far there is neither sight nor sound of PM David Cameron while the FTSE100 is spiralling down.  Admittedly the Parliament is on holiday but losing over 1,500 in shares FTSE 100 would surely demand the Prime Minister to return. Besides he has eight Cabinet Minister rebelling against the EU membership.

When Labour leader Clement Attlee came to power in 1945; he inherited huge debts from the Second World War. He introduce social housing, NHS, Welfare, legal aid, nationalised utilities companies and industries, transport infrastructure, education and reduced the debts by 44 per cent through mass program of state investments.

All these welfares Clement Attlee introduced the Tory Government dismantles now and introducing further £12billion Welfare cuts on top of widespread starvation, unemployment and homelessness.

Harold Wilson, Labour Prime Minister, paid down the national debts and did not agree to bring the country into the Vietnam War. He was the first Prime Minister who stood up to the Americans.

Tony Blair, Labour Prime Minister, who turned out to be a Thatcherite did everything what George Bush asked and got the country into an illegal war with Iraq and Afghanistan.

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