Thursday, 8 February 2018


Update 25 July, 2020 - This article proves that economy was bad for a long time and not just due to CV19 lockdown. Therefore, its feared, Johnson will the collapse of the economy blame on CV19. Admittedly it didnt help but already in June 2019 it showed a deficit and ever since we never saw another report which doesnt hide the facts but tells it.
Johnson and his gang will not accept that Austerity kills the economy. If you havent got the money even for food or pay the bills how can you buy anything else which eventually effects retailers and manufacturer. Its as simple as that!

PM May and her Tories keep praising that the economy is improving. The reality shows a different picture.

It had been forecast that 60,000 shops will close and 300,000 staff redundant by the end of 2018 or 2019.

The devastation in British high streets are destroying whole communities. It is hard to tell what is the real reason behind it? The fact remains that if you cut benefits, keep wages low eventually people are forced to stop buying. The result is shop closures, manufacturing slowing down and redundancies which again comes back to less buying. It is a vicious circle with a downward spiral effect.

It isn’t rocket science and everybody can figure it out. So, why is the government not listening to the devastating results and still hell-bend on further cuts?
At first it affected the small shops in the High Street which closed-down when Austerity was introduced in 2012. Now, in the last year the big corporation and supermarket started to lose. Despite of it all, May introduced a £12billion Welfare cut and £16billion council cut.

The effect came before Christmas when it is always a great boom to the economy but last year it was not.

To add to the disastrous situation already, Bank of England increased interest rates to 0.5 per cent which increased lending, mortgage, prices in supermarket and rail fares.

It hit home; consumer stopped spending on Christmas presents.

The result is that ToysRus faced bankruptcy and saved themselves by closing 26 branches.

Moss Bros. issued profits warnings.

Thomas Cook closed 50 travel agency branches.

Debenhams had a drop of 2.6 per cent during Christmas.

Lloyds Bank closed around 800 branches in 2017.

Marks & Spencer non-food sales dropped by 2.8 per cent.

House of Fraser requested store rent cut from their landlords because of low Christmas business.

New Look fell on hard times and is still in trouble.

Big retailers stated that they surviving a worse time for 40 years. They also pointing out that the Government is not listening and adapting a policy which helps retailer.

The fear is real that the High Street as we know it will be soon lost and with that the community.

One backlash on retail and the High Street is the Internet. People are so pressed for time that they buy a lot from the Internet. It is understandable and very convenient but the disadvantage on the environment is an increase of delivery vans, traffic jams and pollution.

It is now up to the Government to find a solution to improve the problems. May can’t keep on putting her head into the sand much longer and never give a solution at PMQ and flapper about anything else but give an answer or quote false statistics. 

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